Exit Planning (Part 5): Maintaining Your Independence: Life After the Sale

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Exit Planning: Knowing When It’s Time to Sell Your Lower Middle Market Company (Part 5)


Maintaining Your Independence: Life After the Sale

The entrepreneurial spirit thrives on independence. The thought of working for someone else after selling your company can be unappealing. But what if you could design a post-sale role that aligns with your vision and empowers you to continue making a difference?

Selling your company doesn’t have to mean losing control. Not every sale is a traditional, 100% sale. You have the power to negotiate your post-sale involvement. Align helps you define the ideal scenario.

Negotiating Your Ideal Role:

The M&A process allows you to shape your future within the company. Here’s how:

  • Tailored Agreements: We negotiate the terms of your continued involvement, outlining your span of control, hiring and budget authority, compensation, and benefits.
  • Guaranteed Autonomy: The purchase agreement serves as a legal document, ensuring the buyer respects your negotiated terms and decision-making abilities.


Align: Protecting Your Independence

At Align, we understand your desire for continued autonomy. Our expertise ensures you retain the freedom you value, even after the sale:

  • Negotiation Expertise: We possess the experience and skill to negotiate a post-sale role that aligns with your goals and preferences.
  • Preserving Your Legacy: We ensure the buyer understands and respects the legacy you’ve built, creating a smooth transition that preserves your vision.


Unlocking New Possibilities

Selling your company doesn’t signal the end of your entrepreneurial journey. It can be the beginning of a new chapter, one where you leverage your expertise within a larger framework while securing the financial freedom to pursue other ventures.

Contact Align Today

Let Align help you unlock the full potential of your M&A transaction. We’ll guide you through the negotiation process, ensuring you maintain control and shape a post-sale role that fits your vision for the future. Contact us today to discuss your exit strategy and create your ideal exit plan.